"Sharpen the Image"

Life is funny in that with no effort of our own, we are born, we grow in stature, and features change as we develop, yet these things are only external. We have no control over how tall we become, the color of our skin or eyes, or our features. Yet, internally, it is another story.

Many go from adolescence to adulthood, never knowing they can grow and develop the person on the inside. Dissatisfaction is a recurring theme in their lives. The same emptiness they felt as a young person rules their adult years. God never intended us to feel alone, empty, lost, or confused. Genesis 1 tells us that God made human beings in His image and likeness. He made us to reflect His image, not just on the outside but also on the inside. God our Father knew we needed help to reflect His image. He sent Jesus, His one only Son, to be born in human form. Jesus lived a life in this world that showed the glory of God. He was a perfect copy of God’s nature. The Son died to cleanse the world from their sins once and for all. God’s Word tells us that the only way to the Father is through Jesus. That if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. This salvation is the start of becoming new on the inside. Jesus gives you the ability to sharpen the image of the Father on the inside of you. You no longer have to be bound by guilt, shame, hatred, or insecurities. Jesus promised before He left the earth to leave us a comforter, One that would bring help. When we ask Jesus into our hearts, we also receive the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said in John 14:26,27, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give it to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” The world gives you a false sense of peace. It offers medical alternatives to keep your mind in check and help free you from anxiety, yet all of these alternatives come along with other problems and other side effects! Jesus said again in John 8:32, “And you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free.” Verse 36 in the same chapter says, “Therefore if the SON (Jesus) makes you free, you shall be free indeed.”

The image God gave you makes you free! If something is made free, it can’t be bound, controlled, or captive! The devil tries to hold us captive to our old image! Captive to our thoughts and feelings. Jesus came that we could have life and life MORE abundantly. Jesus made you FREE in all areas. Galatians 5 encourages us to “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” The Holy Spirit in you allows you to walk in your new image, your new nature, the very nature of God Himself! Galatians 5:22, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. You don’t have to earn these qualities because God is GOOD! He gave these fruits to you! You can walk FREE from anxiety, worry, and fear because your GOOD Father has FREED you. He gives you a different image, a new nature! All you have to do today is focus on Him and His Word! Changing your focus is the beginning of sharpening that image. The sharper the image, the greater the results and the more freedom you will enjoy!