"More Than You Can See!"

So here they are, the words I have resisted and fought to write for so long. God has prodded me to reach outside my comfort zone, penning thoughts of encouragement to those who need to hear them. Hopefully, I am not the only one who can say that sometimes I hesitate with that first step! The first step takes the kind of faith that steps out into the unknown, but it begins to unveil the true calling and meaning of your life when made.

The fact is, each one of us is so much more than we can see! Our Creator has placed treasures inside us that, without purposely spending the time to tap into them, we can go a whole lifetime without knowing what is there. Over time, if we continually suppress His still, small voice and unction, we step further from the plan He created for us to walk out.

We all are searching for what will make us most satisfied and happy. Keys to our true satisfaction and happiness will never come by visiting a destination; they are inside us! God, our Creator, masterfully designed each one of us with gifts and talents on the inside. When used, gifts and talents bring us joy, and undiscovered ones can lead to insecurities and being unfulfilled in this life.

So, here is the kicker! There is no secret! Discover what you love, enjoy, and are good at, and develop those things. God will begin to speak to you about using those giftings as you do. The real question is, will we spend time cultivating those gifts, and when it is time, will we step out into the unknown?

Trust is such a little word, but we need help developing trust. Why would we have a hard time trusting the Creator of the universe? If we continue to lack trust in His ability to lead and guide us, that lack of confidence continues to distance us from the plan and purpose created for us!

The Word of God gives us so many great examples of whole-hearted trust! Noah trusted that rain would come, as he built a boat by faith. Esther trusted God to save her people as she carried out His plan. Daniel was saved from the mouth of the lion as he put his trust in God. Finally, Jesus trusted His Father’s plan until the end, which provided salvation for us all! These were all impossible situations to the natural eye, but when each of these individuals placed their trust in their Father’s hand and took that first step of faith; they saw with their natural eye, the impossible is made possible!

God created giftings inside you that will carry you successfully through your journey in this life when developed! Trust in His ability! Lay your will down. Trust that He knows what will make you happy better than you do. Encourage yourself to step out by faith instead of withholding the gifts that could bless those around you. His journey for your life starts with one step of trust, one step that will change your life forever!